10 July, 2013

Da Vinci's dust

 reblogged from my other blog, artinanything.com

Today I visited the Da Vinci Machines Exhibition, where a selection of Leonardo Da Vinci's most influential inventions have been recreated on a small, interactive scale. I have always, like most people, been impressed by his ingenuity and artistic talent. But today I left feeling a little empty on his behalf. 

Da Vinci never knew the effect he had on mankind. In fact, many of his inventions were deemed failures by the royalty and clergy who commissioned them. He couldn't have known that our modern understanding of hydraulics is based on his theories...or that Mona Lisa's smile would continue to haunt us more than 500 years later. 

I wonder how many of us are affecting humanity in significant ways? Are you one of the millions who do what they love or feel compelled to do, without regard for fame or fortune? We can never know how our passions or skills today will take its place in history. We can only continue to follow our path, knowing it is, like Da Vinci, woven into the history of humankind.

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